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23rd February 2024

IIC Brussels Chapter meeting

Chapter Meetings

Date: Friday 23 February 2024
8:30 arrival – 10:00

Kindly hosted by

The Australian Mission to the European Union in partnership with the International Institute of Communications (IIC) and McDermott Will & Emery (MWE) invited guests to a panel discussion with Australia’s Minister for Communications, the Hon Michelle Rowland MP, and Prof. Julie Posetti (PhD), Professor and Deputy Vice President of the International Centre For Journalists.

The rapid spread of mis- and disinformation online erodes trust in democratic processes, undermines social cohesion and impacts public health efforts. Given this growing global challenge and evolving online landscape, the conversation will focus on a range of approaches to addressing and preventing these harms. How are governments, journalists, industry, and civil society in Australia and Europe grappling with these issues, and what measures can be taken to empower online users and create a safer online environment for all users?

Registration Fees for delegates

Tuesday 28 November 2023
IIC Brussels Chapter

IIC Members – Free
Non-Members – £25 GBP (excluding VAT *) 
*VAT will be applicable for UK registrations only

If you feel the delegate fee may be a barrier to attending this event, please contact us at




Michelle Rowland MP (The Hon.) Federal Minister for Communications, Australian Government

Ms Rowland was elected to the House of Representatives in 2010 as the Member for Greenway. Prior to entering Parliament, she was a senior lawyer specialising in competition and regulation in the telecommunications, media and technology sectors.

In 2013 she was appointed Shadow Minister for Citizenship and Multiculturalism, and Shadow Assistant Minister for Communications.

In October 2015, Ms Rowland was elevated to the Shadow Cabinet and appointed the Shadow Minister for Small Business and Shadow Minister for Citizenship and Multiculturalism.

Ms Rowland was re-elected at the July 2016 election and appointed Shadow Minister for Communications. Michelle was again re-elected at the May 2019 election.

In June 2022, Ms Rowland was sworn in as the Minister for Communications.

Ms Rowland has served as a Councillor and Deputy Mayor of Blacktown City Council, Chair of Screen NSW, and a Director of the Western Sydney Area Health Service.

Michelle is passionate about affording everyone, regardless of their background, equality of opportunity.


Tuesday 28 March 2023

12:15 - 12:30 Arrival & Registration
12-30 - 13:00 A light lunch will be served
13:00 - 14:30 Session
14:30 - 15:00 Refreshments and Networking
Download the agenda (PDF)
Event details
23rd February 2024
Brussels, Belgium
McDermott Will & Emery
Avenue des Nerviens 9-31
1040 Brussels

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19th February 2025
IIC Small Nations Regulators Forum – Dealing with Non-Compliant Actors Location: Virtual Core Event: Virtual Meetings
18th - 19th March 2025
Europe Digital Communications and Media Forum 2025 Location: Brussels, Belgium Core Event: Digital Communications and Media Forum (DCMF)
  • Virtual Meetings
  • Digital Communications and Media Forum (DCMF)
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