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4th - 5th November 2024

International Regulators Forum 2024

Communications Policy & Regulation Week, International Regulators Forum

The IIC’s annual Communications Policy and Regulation Week comprises our flagship events:

International Regulators Forum
Small Nations Regulators Forum
Annual Conference

This year we were delighted that the International Regulators Forum was hosted by The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC) on 4-5 November 2024.

The IIC Small Nations Regulators Forum, was held on the afternoon of 5 November 2024.

The IIC’s 55th Annual Conference, followed on 6-7 November 2024. Senior industry representatives joined regulators, academics and other stakeholders from the telecoms, media and technology stakeholder communities for two days of discussions on the big questions and issues facing the sector.



Prices are per person

All delegate fees include lunches, tea and coffee breaks. It also includes the Opening Reception and the Gala Reception for those attending the Annual Conference.

All prices quoted are excluding VAT.  VAT will be applicable for all registrations made in the United Kingdom.

For the International Regulators Forum, there will be a limit of  two delegates per organisation.  Member Regulator organisations of the IIC will receive two free places to attend.  Additional delegates who wish to attend from an organisation will be at the discretion of the IIC.



Annual Conference ONLY – £890

Annual Conference ONLY – £1,200

International Regulators’ Forum ONLY – FREE
Annual Conference ONLY – £590
International Regulators’ Forum & Annual Conference – £590

International Regulators’ Forum ONLY – £690
Annual Conference ONLY – £890
International Regulators’ Forum & Annual Conference – £890


REGULATORS who are also Members of the Small Nations Regulators’ Forum

International Regulators’ Forum ONLY – FREE
Annual Conference ONLY – £590
Small Nations Regulators’ Forum ONLY – FREE
Small Nations Regulators’ Forum & International Regulators’ Forum – FREE
International Regulators’ Forum & Annual Conference – £590
Small National Regulators’ Forum & Annual Conference – £590
Small National Regulators’ Forum, International Regulators’ Forum & Annual Conference – £590

International Regulators’ Forum ONLY – £690
Annual Conference ONLY – £850
Small Nations Regulators’ Forum ONLY – FREE
Small Nations Regulators’ Forum & International Regulators’ Forum – £690
International Regulators’ Forum & Annual Conference – £890
Small National Regulators’ Forum & Annual Conference – £850
Small National Regulators’ Forum, International Regulators’ Forum & Annual Conference – £890

IIC International Regulators 2024 report, Bangkok

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Allyson Leacock OR (Dr. The Hon.) Chairman, Barbados Broadcasting Authority; Director, National Transformation Initiative, Government of Barbados; Board Director, International Institute of Communications

Dr Allyson Leacock, Chairman of the Barbados Broadcasting Authority and Director of National Transformation Initiative, Government of Barbados, is also an independent media and human development consultant. She led a coalition of 112 Media Houses in 24 Caribbean countries for 12 years and trained over 2000 Caribbean broadcasters. She served on the Executive Board of the Global Media AIDS Initiative (GMAI) and was elected for 2 terms as Chairman of the Global Steering Committee for the World AIDS Campaign. She was also Cultural Affairs Specialist at the US Embassy covering the Caribbean and Officer-In-Charge and Student Coordinator at the University of the West Indies Distance Education Centre (UWIDEC), now the Open Campus.

Dr Allyson Leacock was conferred with the Order of the Republic (OR) in Barbados National Honours on 30 November 2023. The award was given by the President of Barbados – In ‘recognition of sterling contribution to broadcasting, media relations, corporate communications, training, human resource development and educational technology, as well as distinguished service to Barbados as Head of National Transformation Initiative’.

Dr Leacock has a wide-ranging professional background including in executive management in corporate communications, media, needs assessment, training, human resource development and leadership, as well broadcast media including production and presentation as TV News Anchor, and as General Manager of the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation.

She holds Masters and Ph.D. degrees in Educational Technology, Concordia University, Canada and BA (Double First Class Honours) in English and Education and the Diploma in Education (Dip.Ed with distinction) from Stirling University, UK. Her training also includes Diplomas in Human Resource Management, Facility Management, Arts Management and Alternative Dispute Resolution.

A former national athlete, gymnast, dancer and actress, Dr Leacock is trained in sign language, is a volunteer with Special Olympics and Barbados Council for the Disabled.

Annegret Groebel (Dr) Director International Relations and Postal Regulation, BNetzA; Co-Chair BEREC Remedies EWG

Dr Annegret Groebel is Director International Relations/Postal Regulation at the German mul-tisector economic regulator Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA), regulating the following network industries: electricity, gas, telecommunications, postal markets and railways.

Dr Groebel is also President of the Council of European Energy Regu-lators (CEER), a non-profit association representing 39 independent energy regulators.

Dr Groebel has worked for BNetzA since 1998. She has been CEER President since January 2019 and was a Vice-President of CEER as of 2012. She was appointed Vice-Chair of the International Confed-eration of Energy Regulators (ICER) in June 2020 which was con-firmed for a second term in August 2023. She has also chaired the CEER Market Integrity and Transparency (MIT) Working Group since 2013. She is a member of the Board of Regulators of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER). She has excellent knowledge of the European regulatory framework for electronic communications as well as the regulatory framework for the internal energy market and is actively involved in the work of the Body of Eu-ropean Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC). Since 2020 she has been Chair of the BEREC Office Advisory Group (BAG) and has been Co-Chair of the Remedies WG for many years. She is actively involved in the work of the European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP) and IRG Rail. She is also a member of the OECD’s Network of Economic Regulators (NER) and its Bureau, a working group of the OECD looking at cross-sectoral governance issues of economic regulators. She has experience in advising public authorities on regulatory reform and sector specific regulation in nu-merous projects.

Apart from her professional duties, she has also been lecturing for a considerable time on various subjects in the fields of economics, fi-nance, social policy, trade policy and European Integration, as well as on the regulatory framework in the German and European tele-communications and energy markets at a variety of universities and vocational training academies in Germany, the FSR in Italy, and Switzerland. Dr Groebel is the author of various publications in the field of telecommunications and energy regulation.

Dr Groebel has a doctoral degree in Economics from the University of Mannheim, a M.A. (Master of European Administrative Management) from FH Bund (Bruehl) and a Diploma in Economics from the Univer-sity of Heidelberg.

Ben Wong Director (Network Project Office), Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), Singapore

With a distinguished career spanning over two decades, Ben Wong has been at the forefront of intelligence and investigative work in Singapore. As the current Director (Network Project Office) at the Info-Communications Media Development Authority (IMDA), Mr Wong spearheads efforts aimed at combatting scams and safeguarding Singapore’s telecommunications network against emerging threats.

Prior to this role, he dedicated over 20 years to the Singapore Police Force, where expertise was honed in the Police Intelligence Department and the Criminal Investigation Department. During this tenure, Mr Wong played a critical role in dismantling organized crime groups involved in scams, cybercrime, unlicensed moneylending, transnational illegal gambling, and other serious criminal activities. His collaborative efforts with international law enforcement agencies, including the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) of China, Royal Malaysia Police (RMP), Vietnam’s MPS, and the Hong Kong Police Force, were instrumental in executing cross-border operations that led to significant breakthroughs in combating organized crime.

Today, Mr Wong leverages a deep understanding of criminal operations to address complex challenges in telecommunications security, ensuring the safety and reliability of Singapore’s telecommunication networks.

Charin Thiratitayangkul Charin Thiratitayangkul, Vice President of Digital Government Strategy, Digital Government Development Agency (DGA), Thailand

Mr. Charin Thiratitayangkul is the Vice President of Digital Government Strategy at the Digital Government Development Agency (DGA). He leads the planning, development, and execution of digital government policies, ensuring their successful implementation and monitoring.

Mr. Charin fosters collaboration between government agencies and the private sector, promoting knowledge exchange through strategic initiatives. He also communicates policies to officials and the public, ensuring transparency and alignment with national goals. His work focuses on evaluating and enhancing the readiness of government agencies to improve public service delivery across Thailand.


Derek John Fernandez Commissioner, Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)

Mr Derek John Fernandez is a Commission Member of the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission.  He is also the Chairman of the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission’s Online Harms and Information Security Committee, Legal Committee and Nomination and Remuneration Committee.

Mr Fernandez is also a director of CyberSecurity Malaysia (CSM) and a member of its Cybersecurity Audit Committee. He has also written a paper with an action plan entitled “Cybersecurity : The need for a change in Approach” dated 26 August 2022, which was submitted to the Minister of Communications and Digital.

The paper has been used in part to formulate National Cybersecurity strategies and policies. Mr Fernandez is also the Chairman of MCMC’s Technical Committee involved in preparing draft Guidelines on Information and Network Security for communications and multimedia industry. He has also developed Cybersecurity policies that have been implemented nationally which include: anti scam and fraud measures and policies, licensing of OTT platforms, national internet registry and IPV 6 adoption and digital sovereignty concepts.

E.N.P.K. Rathnapala Deputy Director General (Policy and Planning), Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRC)

Bio coming soon …..

Elisa Giomi (Prof) Commissioner, Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (AGCOM)

Elisa Giomi is an Associate Professor at Roma Tre University, Department of Philosophy, Communication and Performing Arts, where she teaches Sociology of Media and Communication, Television Narrative, and Advertising. Prof. Giomi also teaches at the MA course in Cultural Leadership Research, a double postgraduate degree programme (University of Groningen and Roma Tre University) and coordinates the Media and Communication module of the MA in Gender and Political Studies.

Prof. Giomi is the author of more than 60 publications for major italian and international publishers and peer-reviewed journals.  Her latest publication is “Male and Female Violence in Popular Media” (Bloomsbury 2022) and “The Media today. Technologies, markets, socio-cultural issues and regulatory responses” (forthcoming).

Prof. Giomi has coordinated national and international scientific projects aimed at studying the media and identifying good practices in the sector, on behalf of various bodies and institutions including: European Parliament, EJC-European Journalism Center, EIGE-European Institute for Gender Equality. She has coordinated television content analysis projects on behalf of italian broadcasters, including monitoring the representation of women in public programming.

Prof. Giomi has collaborated with the “Commission of enquiry on feminicide, as well as on all forms of gender-based violence” of Italian Parliament; she is a member of the board of the “Gender Studies” section of the AIS-Italian Association of Sociology and of the magazine “AG.About Gender-International Journal of Gender Studies”.

By decree of the President of the Republic, Prof. Giomi was appointed on 15 September 2020 as a member of the Board of AGCOM- Authority for Communications Guarantees.

Emmanuel Gabla Membre du Collège and Board Member, Autorite de Regulation des Communications Electroniques et des Postes (ARCEP), France

Emmanuel Gabla was nominated as Membre du Collège at the board of Arcep at the beginning of 2019. He was previously the Head of the Economic Section of France’s embassy in Norway from 2016 until his appointment at Arcep.

Mr Gabla began his career in 1993 at the Ministry of Post & Telecom, which developed the 1996 Act that opened the telecoms sector up to competition. Starting in 1999, Mr Gabla served as an advisor on telecoms, the information society, postal affairs and industrial aspects of the internal market to the Permanent Representation of France to the European Union, as Technical Advisor to the Prime Minister, Jean Pierre Raffarin, in charge of telecoms and postal affairs, industrial property and space, and the head of the Technologies and Information Society department at the Directorate-General for Enterprise.

From 2009 to 2015, Mr Gabla was a member of the Board of the French broadcasting authority, CSA, and a member of the General Council for the Economy, Industry, Energy and Technologies from 2015 to 2016.

Mr Gabla is a former student at the Ecole Polytechnique, a graduate of the Ecole nationale supérieure des télécommunications (ENST), and a Chief Telecommunications Engineer.

Ira Keltz Acting Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology, Federal Communications Commission (FCC), USA

Ira Keltz is Acting Chief of the FCC’s Office of Engineering and Technology.

OET is the Commission’s primary resource for engineering expertise and provides technical support to the Chairperson, Commissioners and FCC Bureaus and Offices. Mr Keltz is responsible for developing national spectrum policies, including allocating spectrum, setting technical and service rules for RF devices, and implementing procedures for equipment certification.

Mr Keltz has totaled over 29 years at the FCC spanning two separate stints. He previously served as Deputy Chief of OET, Chief of OET’s Electromagnetic Compatibility Division and Deputy Chief of OET’s Policy and Rules Division. Prior to serving in OET, Mr. Keltz held various positions in the Commission’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Mr Keltz has also worked for the law firm DLA Piper as well as Loral Advanced Projects and LSA, Inc. He has been awarded the Federal Communications Bar Association’s Excellence in Government Service Award and WiFi Forward’s Wi-Fi Pioneer Award.

Mr Keltz earned a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the George Washington University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan.

Isolde Goggin President, International Institute of Communications; Former Chairperson, Competition and Consumer Protection Commission of Ireland (CCPC)

Isolde Goggin has over twenty years experience working at the highest level in telecommunications regulation, competition policy and consumer protection. She was chairperson of Ireland’s Competition and Consumer Protection Commission from 2014 to 2021 and, prior to that, chaired one of its predecessor bodies, the Competition Authority, from 2011 to 2014. She was a commissioner of ComReg, the Irish Commission for Communications Regulation, from 2002 to 2006, and chairperson from 2004 to 2006. From 1996 to 2002 she was a member of the Competition Authority.

Isolde’s involvement in the telecommunications sector dates back to 1980 when, after qualifying with an engineering degree from Trinity College, Dublin, she joined the incumbent telecommunications operator. She completed a masters in business administration at University College, Dublin, in 1988, and subsequently moved to an advisory role in the European Commission, working on satellite policy. She also worked for the Swedish telecommunications manufacturer Ericsson for several years.

Isolde has represented Ireland in many international fora, including the European and International Competition Networks, the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications, the EU’s Radio Spectrum Policy Group, the European Consumer Protection Co-operation Network and the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network. She has provided advice to government on spectrum policy, next generation networks, data protection and online safety.

Isolde is an honorary life member and fellow of Engineers Ireland, a chartered engineer and member of the IET. She is also a member of the board of Trinity College, Dublin, and of the Central Bank of Ireland’s consumer advisory group. Reflecting a lifelong interest in the classics, she gained a BA in the subject from the Open University in 2021, and a masters from Trinity College Dublin in 2023. She is also a keen open water swimmer and last summer combined the two interests by participating in the 6.5 km Bosphorus Cross-Continental Race in Istanbul.

Jeremy Godfrey Executive Chairperson, Coimisiún na Meán, Ireland

Jeremy Godfrey has over 30 years of regulatory, government and business experience in the communications, technology and online sectors, in Ireland and Hong Kong.

Mr Godfrey was previously Chairperson of the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC). He served eight years as a Commissioner and Chairperson of the Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg). During that time, he also served as Chair and vice-Chair of BEREC, the coordinating body for EU telecoms regulators. In Hong Kong, he served as Government Chief Information Officer, as a management consultant and as a senior executive in the telecommunications sector.

Mr Godfrey has been involved in regulatory developments such as the EU’s Digital Services Act, the Digital Markets Act, and the Open Internet Regulation. As Hong Kong Government CIO, he had responsibility for the e-government programme and cloud computing strategy, as well as for Internet governance, digital inclusion and promoting online safety. As a consultant, he advised clients about online business strategies and on regulatory issues in the communications, energy, transportation and financial services sectors. While in the telecommunications industry he was involved in the launch of the world’s first commercial online video-on-demand service as well as in many regulatory issues.

Mr Godfrey started his career as a civil servant in the UK government. He holds an MA from Cambridge University, where he studied mathematics

Jiang-Jia Wang (Dr) Commissioner, National Communications Commission (NCC), Taiwan (ROC)

Dr Wang Jiang-Jia earned a doctorate degree from National Taiwan University and became a professor at Chung-Cheng University, Jia-Yi County, where he taught law. On more than one occasion, he was also a visiting professor at Osaka University, Japan. His major areas of research have been criminal law, criminal and new technology, and speech on the internet. Prior to becoming a professor, he practiced as a lawyer for over ten years.

In 2022, Dr Wang was appointed as one of seven commissioners at the National Communications Commission (NCC), which is an independent organization overseeing communications regulation in Taiwan. During his time at NCC, Dr Wang has been involved in critical decision making pertinent to communications and media policies and regulations. In line with the key policy objectives and mission of NCC, Dr Wang is committed to enhancing the communications and media environment in Taiwan.

Kanit Sunchatavirul Assistant to the Commissioner, The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC)

Kanit Sunchatavirul is an assistant to the commissioner of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) and a member of the Subcommittee on Digital Platform Communication Services. With almost 13 years at NBTC, he has served as an advisor to the Vice-Chairman of the NBTC and participated in key subcommittees, including the Digital Switch Over (DSO) and Broadcasting Technology & Standard committees. He played a crucial role in the strategic planning and engineering of Thailand’s DSO project from its inception.

Before joining NBTC, Mr Sunchatavirul gained 10 years of experience with global telecom leaders like AT&T and Lucent Technologies, and another 10 years with a multinational 3G mobile operator in Thailand. His expertise spans 3G/4G/5G technologies, digital broadcasting, spectrum management, AI, IoT, and cloud computing. He holds an MBA and a degree in Electrical Engineering from a top Thai university, along with executive certificates in management from leading institutes.

Karel Douglas Executive Officer Legal and Enforcement, Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT)

Karel Douglas is the Executive Officer of Legal and Enforcement at the Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago where he advises on legal matters related to telecommunications and broadcasting.

He is a qualified Attorney at law with over 25 years experience in public law and telecommunications law. He has a Law degree from the University of London,a legal practicing certificate from the University of the West Indies, Hugh Wooding Law School and a Masters in Telecommunications and Information Technology law from the University of Strathclyde, Scotland.

Mr Douglas has worked as Senior State Counsel at the Solicitor General’s Chambers in the Office of the Attorney General in Trinidad and Tobago. And worked as Head Legal and Corporate Secretary at National ICT Company of Trinidad and Tobago – a government owned entity in charge of Government’s enterprise wide ICT projects where he advised on legal matters related to a variety of ICT matters.

He currently represents Trinidad and Tobago in the Governmental Advisory Committee at Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) since 2017 where he also serves as a co-chair of the underserved regions working group.

Kate Jones Chief Executive Officer, The Digital Regulatory Cooperation Forum, UK

Kate Jones is the Chief Executive Officer of the Digital Regulatory Cooperation Forum ( Kate leads this innovative team, working to increase and deepen coordination between regulators of online services and technology for the benefit of both businesses and their customers.

Before joining the DRCF, Ms Jones was an expert consultant and researcher on the governance of emerging technologies, with particular regard to human rights law, public international law and diplomacy. She was an Associate Fellow with the International Law Programme at Chatham House, Senior Associate with Oxford Information Labs, and member of the advisory board of an AI ethics company. She has published and spoken widely on aspects of national and international tech governance, with specialisms in artificial intelligence, disinformation and foreign interference, and the role of technical standards.

In her work, Ms Jones brings to bear her many years of experience as a legal adviser and diplomat with the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, including as Legal Adviser to the UK Mission to the United Nations in Geneva and UK Deputy Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. She also draws on her experience of leadership, skills and technical expertise as Director of Oxford University’s Diplomatic Studies Programme and as Course Director and Advisory Board member of the Centre for Political and Diplomatic Studies. Kate took her undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in law at the University of Oxford and qualified as a UK solicitor at Norton Rose.

Konstantinos Masselos (Prof) President, Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission (EETT); Board Director, International Institute of Communications

Professor Konstantinos Masselos has been appointed as the President of the Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission (EETT) in February 2018 and his mandate has been renewed in February 2022.

Professor Masselos has been elected as Chair of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) for 2023 and also Vice-Chair for 2022 and 2024. Moreover, he served as Vice-Chair of BEREC in 2019.

He is a Professor in the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of Peloponnese where is also served as Rector during the period 2012-2017. From 2005 to 2008 he was a Lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial College London. Also during the period 2010-2016 he was an Honorary Lecturer in the same Department. From 2001-2004 he worked in the telecommunications industry.
Since 2005 he has been collaborating as an expert with various units of the European Commission. Also, he was member of the Scientific Committee of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) from 2015 to 2017.

Latifa Akharbach President, Haute Autorité de la Communication Audiovisuelle (HACA), Morocco

Latifa Akharbach was appointed President of the High Authority for Audiovisual Communication (HACA) on December 3, 2018.

Ms Akharbach formerly held numerous decision-making positions in Moroccan diplomacy : Secretary of State to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Tunisia and Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Bulgaria and Macedonia.

Ms Akharbach has also served as Director of the Moroccan National Radio and Director of the High Institute of Information and Communication where she had previously been Professor and researcher for more than twenty years.

She is an experienced international consultant in the field of journalism, communication and journalists training. She has published several articles, studies and books on media, communication and women’s rights.

Ms Akharbach has a PhD in Information Sciences and Communication.

Lina María Duque del Vecchio Executive Director and Commissioner, Commission for Communications Regulation of Colombia (CRC)

Lina María Duque del Vecchio is a lawyer from the Pontifical Xavierian University, specializing in Business Law, with a Master’s degree in Law from Externado de Colombia University.

Before assuming her current role, Ms Duque Del Vecchio held various positions at the CRC, including Coordinator of Legal Advisory and Dispute Resolution, Acting Executive Coordinator (General Secretary), Acting Commissioner of the Communications Commission Session, and legal advisor.

As the Coordinator of Dispute Resolution, she managed sensitive and high-impact industry issues that significantly contributed to the effective implementation of regulatory policies, as well as promoting competition and protecting user rights. Thanks to her impeccable management, the CRC was recognized by the National Agency for Legal Defense of the State (ANDJE) as one of the entities with the highest judicial defense success rate, achieving 95% effectiveness.

Lynn Robinson Director General, International Institute of Communications

Lynn Robinson became Director General of the International Institute of Communications (IIC), in March 2020.

Lynn is an experienced senior director and trustee / non exec-director, having held key senior leadership positions in the technology, built environment, regulation, accreditation and dental industries. She has extensive experience of professional membership bodies working within the full spectrum including, Regulatory bodies, Industry associations and Chambers of Commerce. Lynn is a well-known and established ambassador in these areas having led on many strategic programmes to aid engagement, growth, retention, change management, stakeholder and political engagement.

An experienced Trustee / Non-Executive Director as Vice Chair at Arnos Vale Cemetery Trust, a unique heritage site in the heart of Bristol (UK), Lynn is also a Trustee / Non-Executive Director at The Bristol and Bath (UK), Parks Foundation.

Reflecting on becoming Director General at the IIC at the outbreak of a pandemic, Lynn said, ‘these last two years have been like no other we have known, with many challenges coming our way. In 2020 we successfully pivoted the organisation through a digital transformation programme to maintain a full schedule of events and by increasing the outputs delivered. Transforming the programme enabled us to continue to deliver the professional service and increase our engagement with IIC members and stakeholder community to remain connected to them through such a difficult time.

As we move through 2022, I am delighted to return to a combined in-person and online programme and to continue to evolve the IIC in to the next phase, with the vision and strategic focus to deliver our objectives and to build on our growth, engagement and retention’.


Mediha Mahmood CEO, The Communications and Multimedia Content Forum (CMCF), Malaysia

Mediha Mahmood is legal and regulatory professional with cumulative 20 years of post-qualified experience in top legal firms and public listed companies. including Astro, Air Asia, and PricewaterhouseCoopers Malaysia. Adept at navigating regulatory landscapes, shaping policies and managing strategic collaborations, she has established a solid reputation as an efficient strategic communicator.

Ms Mahmood was appointed as the Executive Director of the Communications and Multimedia Content Forum (CMCF), effective 1 February 2021 and stepped into the position of CEO on 1 November 2023. Since taking up the leadership role at CMCF, she has spearheaded its complete rebranding and led the revamp of the Content Code, with nationwide involvement of industry players, policy-makers, and members of the public. She has recently led efforts by international Online Curated Content (OCC) service providers in publishing ‘The OCC Guidelines’, designed as a supportive tool for all OCC service providers in Malaysia.

Ms Mahmood holds an LL.B (Hons) degree in Law from the International Islamic University of Malaysia and initially chartered her career path as a legal practitioner; at the firm Messrs. Shearn Delamore & Co. in the Corporate & Commercial Department. She subsequently continued practicing law at Messrs. Zul Rafique & Partners, in the Litigation and Disputes Resolution Department where she gained additional experience in arbitration and mediation. While being a member of the Malaysian Bar Council, Mediha actively volunteered at the Legal Aid Centre in Kuala Lumpur, providing legal services to the underprivileged and unrepresented detainees in prison.

Ms Mahmood is a seasoned public speaker and certified trainer, adept at tailoring her communication style to diverse global audiences, including industry practitioners and the general public. Additionally, she serves as an independent consultant on industry matters, specializing in Malaysia’s regulatory standards, content laws, and regulations.

Melanie Dawes DCB (Dame) Executive Board Member and Chief Executive, Ofcom, UK

Dame Melanie Dawes joined Ofcom as an Executive Board Member and Chief Executive on 2 March 2020.

Prior to joining Ofcom, Ms Dawes was Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (2015-2020). She has held senior roles across the Civil Service, working in partnership across the public and private sectors. She became the overall Champion for Diversity and Inclusion in the Civil Service in 2019.

Ms Dawes started her career as an economist and spent 15 years at the Treasury, including as Europe Director. She was Director General of the Economic and Domestic Affairs Secretariat at the Cabinet Office between 2011 and 2015, and prior to that she served on the Board of HMRC as Head of Business Tax. Ms Dawes was Director General for Business Tax from November 2007, which involved responsibility for all the business taxes and duties as well as leadership of the department’s relationships with big business. From 2009, she also led the development of HMRC’s overall strategy as a department.

Ms Dawes has held non-executive roles including with the consumer body Which? and is a trustee of the Patchwork Foundation, which promotes the participation of under-represented young people in democracy.

Mothibi Ramusi Chairperson, Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA)

Mothibi Glenview Ramusi is the Chairperson of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa. A qualified electronic systems engineer, and an information technology certified professional. Mr Ramusi has over three decades of working experience in the ICT sector, ranging from telecommunications, satellite, lotteries and broadcasting. Mr Ramusi has an extensive leadership portfolio, which extends to Executive positions in both public and private sectors.

He has played a critical role in spearheading the role of ICT and satellite in community upliftment and development, especially in underserved and rural areas. Mothibi was part of the group of experts that developed the Telecommunications, broadcasting and satellite policy and regulatory framework in South Africa post 1994.

Mr Ramusi holds a Bachelor’s Degree (BEng) in Electronic Systems Engineering from the University of Essex, B-Tech Higher National Diploma in Electronic Systems Engineering from Anglia Higher Education Institute, now Ruskin University, Transnet Executive Development Programme from GIBS and International Executive Development Programme from Witwatersrand University

Nathathorn Prousoontorn (Pol Gen) Commissioner, The Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC)

Bio coming soon …..

Philip Marnick General Director, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), Bahrain; Board Director, International Institute of Communications

Philip Marnick is the General Director of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA). He was appointed early January 2022 by the Members of the Board, to assume the position, paving the way for a more effective regulatory framework by continuing the evolution of the telecom sector liberalization.

Mr Marnick leads the TRA, including the development of consumer protection initiatives and resolving disputes. The TRA develops regulatory rules that promote competition, innovation, and investment in broadband services and facilities, as well as developing a more comprehensive and competitive framework that aligns with international best practices. Ensuring that Bahrain remains a center of innovation and that its telecommunications sector serves everyone while supporting Bahrain’s strategic objectives.

Before assuming his role at the TRA, Mr Marnick managed and directed at Ofcom in the UK, where he was the Group Director of Spectrum responsible for all aspects of UK national and international spectrum management – from strategy to delivery including awards, clearance and enforcement. Mr Marnick has worked in the telecommunications sector for over 30 years. He has served as a senior executive in technology, operations, and strategy. Mr Marnick has worked in both start-ups (from inception to sale) and major corporations, in firms such as UK Broadband, O2, Orange, BT, J-Phone in Japan (now Softbank Mobile), Extreme Mobile, and SpinVox (now Nuance).

From analogue to 5G, he has engaged across every mobile generation. Throughout his carrier he has been at the forefront of industry developments – in both fixed and mobile. He has collaborated on the first deployments of mobile networks utilizing new technologies and standards, this has also included innovative products such as the first camera phone and photo messaging service, as well as mobile internet and hosted voice services.

Pratompong Srinuan Executive Director of Policy Analysis Bureau, The Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC)

Mr Pratompong Srinuan serves as the Executive Director of the Policy Assessment Bureau at the Office of the NBTC in Thailand. In this role, his main responsibilities included conducting spectrum valuation and setting reserved prices for several IMT bands and FM radio. Recently, he conducted research on demand for mobile broadband bandwidth in Thailand and a study on the impacts of spectrum auctions on firms’ investment.

Previously, Mr Pratompong held the position of senior expert economist and played a key role to formulating telecom policy and market design. He has been involved to various working committees within the NBTC, contributing to the sustainable development of both telecommunications and broadcasting industries through regulatory policies, including spectrum auction design, MVNO regulation enforcement, and telecom wholesale market regulations.

Mr Pratompong earned his PhD in Economics as a government scholar from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Pulsiri Ninkitsaranont Assistant Secretary General of Telecommunications Cluster, The Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC)

Since February 2024, Ms Pulsiri Ninkitsaranont has served as the Assistant Secretary General of Telecommunication Cluster, Office of the NBTC. She has brought knowledge and competence in the fields of management, engineering, and information technology at the executive level to create new perspective on work.

Ms Pulsiri has served as Executive Director of Telecommunication Policy and Resource Management Bureau from 2020 to February 2024. She is mainly responsible for key policy implementation, for example IMT spectrum allocation, telecom network expansion regulation, merger and acquisition regulation, rights of way and underground cabling regulation, as well as telecom development masterplan implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.

In 2013, Ms Pulsiri was assigned as Executive Director of Services-based Telecommunications Business Licensing Bureau. She was responsible for considering telecom business license proposals and regulating the businesses. She also played key role in revising telecom business licensing regulation to correspond to the market conditions.

She holds a bachelor degree in Instrumentation Engineering from King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, the top institute for engineering in Thailand, and Master of Science in Electrical Engineering with Specialization in Digital Signal Processing from Michigan Technological University, USA

Rimini Makama Executive Commissioner, Stakeholder Management, Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC)

Rimini Haraya Makama is the Executive Commissioner (Stakeholder Management) of the Nigerian Communications Commission. She was confirmed to her position by the Nigerian Senate on 21st May 2024 following her nomination by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR on 23rd February 2024.

Ms Makama is an internationally experienced senior executive known for her talent in building trusted advisor relationships with governments. Throughout her career, she has earned a reputation as a commercially minded and politically astute leader. Her significant contributions to transformational shifts in Africa were recognized in 2014 when she was named in the Forbes 20 Youngest Power Women Under 40 in Africa list.

Before assuming her current role in the Nigerian Communications Commission, Ms Makama played various roles at Microsoft from 2016 to 2023, notably as the Government Affairs Director for MEA Emerging Markets. In this capacity, she was instrumental in creating a policy landscape that facilitated the adoption of public cloud technology by the public sector in various markets across MEA. Her central role in defining a digital transformation framework for governments, placing Microsoft solutions at the forefront of public sector technology, stands out as a key achievement.

During her tenure at Microsoft, Ms Makama represented the company’s interests on the Digital Economy Task Force of the US Chamber of Commerce and the SMART Africa Alliance. She also became known for disseminating key messages on AI ethics, notably appearing as an AI policy expert speaker at the UNESCO Forum on Artificial Intelligence in 2018. Her efforts at Microsoft were acknowledged with the Be the Change Award, which celebrates extraordinary contributions.

Ms Makama’s career also includes a significant tenure with Africa Practice as Communications Director for West Africa. In this role, she successfully translated the strategic communication needs of major corporations such as Uber, PayPal, CNN, Google SSA, Bloomberg LP, Sage VIP, Actis West Africa, and The African Union into effective solutions, collaborating closely with high-level government stakeholders. Her work in positioning Blackberry in Nigeria is particularly noteworthy. Prior to africapractice she was Principal Legal Assistant, Office of Legal Affairs – International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) in Lyon, France.

Additionally, Ms Makama has authored numerous articles on technology and AI themes for prominent media outlets such as The Guardian, Financial Times, and Punch etc.

Ms Makama holds an LLM in International Law and World Order from the University of Reading, United Kingdom, an LLB from the University of Jos, Nigeria and has been called to the Nigerian Bar. Non professional interest: film production (Executive Producer: Green White Green (TIFF 2016, Netflix 2017-2019, Amazon currently) & The Lost Okoroshi (TIFF 2019, BFI 2019 – Netflix Worldwide 2020-2022).

Robert Mourik Chairperson, Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg), Ireland; Vice Chair BEREC 2024

Robert Mourik  is Chairperson, the Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg).

Mr Mourik has almost thirty years’ experience in the telecoms sector, as an industry executive and as Government official.

Prior to joining ComReg, he worked for Cubic Telecom, a new entrant in the automotive IoT space, where he was responsible for all wholesale activities. Robert spent almost 10 years in Telefonica as the European Regulatory Strategy Director at their corporate HQ in Madrid and as Strategy Director in Ireland.

He also worked for Vodafone Group, as its head of the Brussels Office and in the regulatory department in Newbury, UK.

In 1991, Mr Mourik began his career in the Dutch Department for Transport and Telecommunication and from 1994 until 1999 he served, as Telecom Attache at the Netherlands’ Permanent Representation in Brussels. He was a Member and Chair of the Council Telecoms Working Group in 1998 when the first telecom regulatory package was adopted.

Mr Mourik studied Economics and Public Policy at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, and the University of Hull (UK).

Dr Sak
Sak Segkhoonthod (Dr) Senior Advisor, Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA)

Dr Sak Segkhoonthod received his Ph.D. in Electronics Systems Engineering from Essex University in 1997. He began his career at the National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (Nectec) as a researcher in the Network Technology Laboratory. In 2000, he played a key role in establishing the Government Information Technology Services (GITS) and was appointed as its director in 2005.

In 2012, Dr Segkhoonthod performs in the role of the first CEO of the Electronic Government Agency (EGA), which later evolved into the Digital Government Development Agency (DGA) in 2018. He also served as the lead on digital transformation as an Advisor for the ASEAN CIO Association.

Currently, he is now a Senior Advisor (Digital Transformation) at the Electronic Transaction Development Agency (ETDA).

Samantha Yorke Member, Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)

Samantha Yorks has been appointed as a Full-time Member of Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) on 28 August 2023 for 5 years.

Ms Yorke is an accredited mediator, technology lawyer and policy advisor with over 24 years’ experience working within the digital media and technology sectors both in Europe and the Asia Pacific.

Prior to being appointed as an ACMA Authority Member, she worked in Google’s Government Affairs and Public Policy team leading their privacy, online safety, scam and mis/disinformation efforts in Australia.

Ms Yorke established the regulatory function at the Interactive Advertising Bureau of Australia, worked as General Counsel AUNZ and Legal Director for Yahoo! Asia Pacific and spent 10 years working for Microsoft in London where she supported the MSN business through a period of exponential growth and contributed to the launch of the Xbox gaming console across Europe.

Sarana Boonbaichaiyapruck (Professor – Clinical) Chairman, The Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC)

Clinical Professor Sarana Boonbaichaiyapruck has served as Chairman of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) since 2022. Under this role, he also serves an advisor for the Working Group on Universal Service for Public Health Service, and an advisor for the Working Group on Metaverse Ecosystem.

Prior to this role, he was a deputy dean, and a lecturer at Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University. He also served as President of Cardiovascular Intervention Association of Thailand, and the Secretary General of the Heart Association of Thailand under the Royal Patronage of H.M. the King. In addition, he served as a former member of the National Legislative Assembly.

Mr. Boonbaichaiyapruck received both a Bachelor of Science and a Bachelor of Medicine from Chulalongkorn University. He trained as a Medical Specialist in Cardiac Intervention at the Hospital of the Good Samaritan in Los Angeles, California; Cardiology at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Los Angeles, California; and Internal Medicine at the Los Angeles County and the University of Southern California (LAC+USC) Medical Center.

Thomas Sullivan Deputy Chief, Office of International Affairs (OIA), Federal Communications Commission, USA

Bio coming soon ….

Tim Ringsdore Chief Executive and Board Member, Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority (JCRA)

Tim Ringsdore has over 15 years extensive experience as a Managing Director within the telecoms industry, working at Board level across the Channel Islands, London and the Caribbean.

Mr Ringsdore was Managing Director of Jersey Telecom and was pivotal in setting up Wave Telecom in Guernsey. He had responsibility for consumers and corporate clients across both Islands. Mr Ringsdore was also instrumental in developing JT’s global business with the acquisition of Worldstone in 2012.

Mr Ringsdore moved back to the Channel Islands to join the Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority (JCRA) after leading Cable & Wireless as Managing Director based in the British Virgin Islands. He had jurisdictional and overall financial responsibility for the Cable & Wireless business in the BVI and was responsible for developing relationships with government, the industry regulator and corporate clients. During this time, he successfully restructured and rebranded the business to help improve credibility and the customer experience.

As CEO for the JCRA, Mr Ringsdore is focussing on delivering strong results which will support the economic strategic objectives for the Island and its citizens. He will help ensure that Jersey receives the best value, choice and access to high quality services in addition to promoting competition and consumers’ interests.

Tove Friberg Division Manager, Authority Support, Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS)

Tove Friberg was appointed Division Manager, Authority Support, Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) in 2019.  She is a member of the management team and responsible for control and support functions within PTS.

Ms Friberg is also a Board Member, National Property Board of Sweden and a Board Member, Swedish Maritime Administration.

Ms Friberg has previously held positions as Area Manager, Administration, Financial Supervisory Authority, Stockholm; Planning Manager, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Stockholm; Board Member, Civil Aviation Authority; Chief of Finance and Planning, Swedish Migration Agency, Stockholm/Norrköping.  She has also held positions with Ministry of Finance, Stockholm and the National Audit Office, Stockholm.


Trairat Viriyasirikul Deputy Secretary General, Acting Secretary General, The Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC)

Mr. Trairat Viriyasirikul, the Deputy Secretary General, assumed the role of Acting Secretary General of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) in July 2020. Prior to his tenure at the NBTC, Mr Viriyasirikul gained extensive experience in budget analysis at the Office of the Prime Minister’s Budget Bureau.

With nearly two decades of leadership in the telecommunications sector, Mr Viriyasirikul has been instrumental in supporting the nation’s spectrum auctions and facilitating the transition from 2G to 5G. Under his leadership, the implementation of the 5G Roadmap and broadband connectivity initiatives has significantly enhanced national connectivity. His commitment to promoting basic infrastructure has provided access to ICT infrastructure in urban, rural, unserved, and underserved areas, driving digital transformation across the country. Furthermore, he initiated the transition of granting the right to use satellite orbits from concession system to licensing system in satellite orbit management.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Mr Viriyasirikul championed measures to ensure continued access to the internet, equipment, and essential services for the public. Notably, he financially supported the initiative to establish the Central Vaccination Center, which provided free vaccinations to the public. Mr Viriyasirikul is currently dedicated to addressing issues relevant to scams and call centers, particularly in border areas. He also focuses on satellite related issue. In particular, he supports open market access to allow foreign satellite operators to provide services within Thailand. Additionally, under his guidance, Office of the NBTC is actively researching and raising awareness about Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN), with plans to launch a regulatory framework for NTN next year.

He holds a Master of Science in Leadership and Management from the University of La Verne, USA.



Monday 4 November 2024

08:15-09:00 Registration and Networking
09:00-09:20 Welcome

Isolde Goggin, President, International Institute of Communications; Former Chairperson, Competition and Consumer Protection Commission of Ireland (CCPC)
Trairat Viriyasirikul, Deputy Secretary General, Acting Secretary General, The Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC)

09:20-09:30 Keynote

Professor (Clinical) Sarana Boonbaichaiyapruck, Chairman, The Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC)

09:30-10:45 Session 1: Artificial intelligence

• Comparing evolving policy/regulatory frameworks globally
• How are regulators using AI to support their work?

Dr Sak Segkhoonthod, Senior Advisor, Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA), Thailand

Speakers include
Rimini Makama, Executive Commissioner, Stakeholder Management, Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC)
Jeremy Godfrey, Executive Chairperson, Coimisiún na Meán, Ireland
Dr Annegret Groebel, Head of International Affairs, BNetzA; Co-Chair BEREC Remedies EWG


10:45-11:30 Group Photo and Networking Break
11:30-12:45 Session 2: Mobile network evolution

• Policies to support the MVNO ecosystem, 5G rollout, private networks

Pulsiri Ninkitsaranont, Assistant Secretary General of Telecommunications Cluster, The Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC)

Speakers include
Robert Mourik, Chairperson, Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg), Ireland; Vice Chair BEREC 2024
Philip Marnick, General Director, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), Bahrain; Board Director, International Institute of Communications
Ira Keltz, Acting Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology, Federal Communications Commission (FCC), USA
E.K.P.N. Rathnapala, Deputy Director General (Policy and Planning), Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRC)

12:45-14:15 Networking Lunch
14:15-15:30 Session 3: Regulating digital platforms

• Weighing up ex-ante/ex-post approaches to ensure fair and open digital markets

Pratompong Srinuan, Executive Director of Policy Analysis Bureau, The Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC)

Kate Jones, Chief Executive Officer, The Digital Regulatory Cooperation Forum, UK
Lina María Duque del Vecchio, Executive Director and Commissioner, Commission for Communications Regulation of Colombia (CRC)
Latifa Akharbach, President, Haute Autorité de la Communication Audiovisuelle (HACA), Morocco

15:30-16:00 Networking Break
16:00-17:15 Session 4: Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites

• Regulatory & licensing landscape

Saneh Saiwong, Principal Engineer Expert, The Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC)

Speakers include
Tim Ringsdore, Chief Executive and Board Member, Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority (JCRA); Chair, Small Nations Regulators Forum
Prof. Konstantinos Masselos, President, Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission (EETT); Vice-Chair BEREC 2024
Ira Keltz, Acting Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology, Federal Communications Commission (FCC), USA

17:30 End of day one
19:00-21:00 Regulators Dinner

Regulators Dinner

kindly hosted by
The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC)

The Eastin Grand Hotel Sathorn Bangkok
33/1 South Sathorn Road
Yannawa, Sathorn
Bangkok 10120



Tuesday 5 November 2024

08:30-09:00 Registration and Networking
09:00-09:10 Welcome

Isolde Goggin, President, International Institute of Communications

09:10-09:20 Introduction to session on Fraud and Online scam in Thailand

Pol. Gen. Nathathorn Prousoontorn, Commissioner, The Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC)

09:20:10:45 Session 5: Online safety and consumer protection

• Tackling online harms and the spread of disinformation

Tri Bunchua, Executive Director of Telecommunications Consumer Protection Bureau, The Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC)

Speakers include
Dame Melanie Dawes DCB, Executive Board Member and Chief Executive, Ofcom, UK
Derek John Fernandez, Commissioner, Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)
Mothibi Ramusi, Chairperson, Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA)
Dr. The Hon. Allyson Leacock OR, Chairman, Barbados Broadcasting Authority; Board Director, International Institute of Communications

10:45-11:15 Networking Break
11:15-12:45 Session 6: Combatting unsolicited communications, scams, phishing and fraud

• Sharing international initiatives

Samantha Yorke, Member, Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)

Dr Jiang-Jia Wang, Commissioner, National Communications Commission (NCC), Taiwan (ROC)
Ben Wong, Director for the Network Project Office, Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) Singapore
Emmanuel Gabla, Membre du Collège and Board Member, Autorite de Regulation des Communications Electroniques et des Postes (ARCEP), France

12:45-13:45 Networking Lunch
13:45-15:00 Session 7: Regulatory responses to the growing role of podcasts and audio sharing platforms

Prof Elisa Giomi, Commissioner, Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (AGCOM)

Speakers include
Philip Marnick, General Director, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), Bahrain; Board Director, International Institute of Communications
Mediha Mahmood, CEO, The Communications and Multimedia Content Forum (CMCF)


15:00-15:30 Networking Break
15:30-16:45 Session 8: Redesigning Universal Service Obligations (USO)

• With particular emphasis on support for vulnerable groups

Kanit Sunchatavirul, Assistant to the Commissioner, The Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC)

Speakers include
Karel Douglas, Executive Officer of Legal and Enforcement, Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT)
Samantha Yorke, Member, Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)
Tove Friberg, Division Manager, Authority Support, Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS)
Thomas Sullivan, Deputy Chief, Office of International Affairs (OIA), Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

16:45-17:00 Digital Government Services – Thailand view

Charin Thiratitayangkul, Vice President of Digital Government Strategy, Digital Government Development Agency (DGA), Thailand

18:00-19:30 Welcome Reception

Sky Lounge, 33rd Floor
The Eastin Grand Hotel Sathorn Bangkok
33/1 South Sathorn Road
Yannawa, Sathorn
Bangkok 10120

Kindly sponsored by Netflix

Download the agenda (PDF)
Event details
4th - 5th November 2024
Bangkok, Thailand
Asia Pacific
The Eastin Grand Hotel Sathorn Bangkok
33/1 South Sathorn Road
Yannawa, Sathorn
Bangkok 10120

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