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In IT sector, the common approach to achieve cybersecurity is improving the design of cyber networks by embedding security features in software design, adding cascaded layers of encryptions, and installing firewalls. In the face of evolving technology, these layers do not guarantee cybersecurity from all kinds of cyber threats. Incidents of data breaches for individuals, small businesses, municipalities, and organizations are continuously rising. Achieving cybersecurity only by design is not a sufficient solution in the face of changing dynamics of cyberspace due to the imminent AI revolution and advanced computing algorithms. In contrast, the applicable regulations hold a plenty of room for revisions to control the origins of cyber threats. The regulations can improve cybersecurity by regulating evolving technology, revising Cybersecurity Engineering standards, restraining users’ data collection, sharing, and selling. This essay appreciates the limitations of secure-by-design approach and recognizes the need for tailored regulations and standards to mitigate cybersecurity challenges.
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