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June is Cybersecurity Month at the IIC

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The coronavirus pandemic has had a dramatic effect on how we all live and work, with most of us now working from home and staying socially distant from friends and family. The increase in cybercrime seeking to exploit the situation has posed challenges for organisations and individuals alike. We have designated June as our Cybersecurity Month during which we and our Chapters will examine different aspects of the issue and hear from experts in the field who will share their experiences.

Upcoming Cybersecurity Webinars

Cybersecurity blog

Are rumours of the death of passwords exaggerated? IIC Director General, Lynn Robinson, suggests that they are in her blog post, which looks at the strengths and weaknesses of passwords and their more advanced counterparts such as biometrics. We would very much like to hear your views on the topic, so please do leave a comment and join the discussion.

Join us online in June for insights from around the globe on the cybersecurity issues of the day and how industry and regulators can work to keep organisations and individuals safe in challenging times.

The coronavirus pandemic has had a dramatic effect on how we all live and work, with most of us now working from home and staying socially distant from friends and family. The increase in cybercrime seeking to exploit the situation has posed challenges for organisations and individuals alike.

Privacy, Safety, Security
Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East & Africa
contact tracing apps, covid-19, cybersecurity, Privacy
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