Read this quarter’s Intermedia here

IIC 2023 Competition for Future Leaders

What do you need to do?

This year entrants are asked to produce an essay, submitted electronically, on the following topic:

Cybersecurity on the Edge?

As the capabilities and opportunities of online technologies evolve, how can policy develop to ensure robust levels of security are maintained? With increasingly complex interdependencies within networks, and the challenges presented by edge devices and IoT in general, is ‘security by design’ possible? Can policy move quickly enough to prevent misuse of the data flowing across networks?

In your essay for this year’s Future Leaders’ Competition, you should consider how breaches in cybersecurity might be mitigated, with a particular emphasis on privacy. We want you to consider the challenges to security and privacy as technology develops and transforms, and we’re interested in your views on where responsibility lies for managing these challenges.

You should:

  • Development of a sustained and well-structured response, addressing the question asked
  • Evidence and justification of position
  • Awareness & understanding of contending viewpoints
  • Commercial awareness & understanding of competitive market forces

Key dates for your diary:

17 July 2023 – Competition now closed

16 August 2023 – Winner announced

What are the rules?

The IIC 2023 Competition for Future Leaders is a competition run by the International Institute of Communications. By entering the competition, entrants agree to comply with the rules set out below.


  • The Competition is open to individuals aged 35 and under, on competition closing date – 17 July 2023. Competition now closed.
  • Entries must be the original work of the author and previously unpublished
  • Collaboration with colleagues is permitted, however, there must be one lead author

Submission requirements

  • Allowing an essay word length of 2500 – 3000 words (to include an abstract of no more than 150 words), footnotes and figures are not included in the word limit
  • We don’t stipulate any special format for footnotes and referencing but you must acknowledge your sources and we ask that you be consistent in your style
  • Please submit your essay directly to
  • Only 1 submission per person may be made (if collaborating with colleagues – the lead author will need to submit the entry)
  • Entries must be submitted in English
  • Entries will be evaluated on criteria including original thought and analysis – all submissions will be reviewed anonymously
  • The judges may determine not to award some or all the prizes and the judges’ determinations will be final


The overall winner will receive:

  • An invitation to present their winning entry to the IIC’s Annual Conference (18-19 October 2023), subject to current travel advice, with all expenses paid and £250 subsistence
  • Their winning entry to be published in InterMedia (the IIC’s quarterly journal), online and on our social media channels
  • One year’s complimentary membership to the IIC Future Leaders’ Network – which includes access to the IIC’s networks and resources

The top ten entries will have:

  • Their abstract published in InterMedia
  • Their entry published online
  • One year’s complimentary membership to the IIC Future Leaders’ Network – which includes access to the IIC’s networks and resources

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Future Leaders' Competition poster

Please download our competition poster here

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