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By Tim Hogg

Net neutrality arouses strong passions and is an intensely political debate. But how does net neutrality impact consumer behaviour, and does zero-rating actually alter consumption patterns? In this article I attempt to ground the debate in evidence and delve into the consequences of zero-rating in particular. A fully-informed debate on net neutrality (that goes beyond a fun if misleading contribution by Burger King) requires understanding of the effects of net neutrality on markets, and thus insight into how net neutrality influences consumer behaviour.
The insights of psychology and behavioural economics into real-world consumer decision making have demonstrated the importance of the “choice architecture” in which decisions are made. Small (and seemingly insignificant) influences can affect consumer behaviour in ways that traditional economic theory does not account for.


Does zero-rating harm competition? It’s a key question in the net neutrality debate. TIM HOGG takes a behavioural economics approach to finding the answer

Intermedia Issue:
Volume 46, Issue 01
Issue Date:
April 2018
Tim Hogg Tim Hogg Consultant, Oxera Consulting LLP, UK

Volume 46, Issue 01 Features

EDITORIAL 13.04.2018 Marc Beishon
DEBATING IN DC 13.04.2018 Cristina Murroni
YOUNG, SAFE & FREE 13.04.2018 Patrick Geary
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