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At the beginning of this century, the chairman of the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) declared that broadband was a luxury, comparable to having a Mercedes Benz. Those days are long gone. The international consensus view that broadband is now a necessity has been articulated in over 150 national broadband plans that share the common objective of extending broadband access to all.


Policymakers have reached a stage in broadband development where they should be thinking of deploying bandwidth in abundance as part of next-generation national broadband plans. BLAIR LEVIN discusses the policy drivers.

Intermedia Issue:
Volume 47, Issue 01
Issue Date:
April 2019
Blair Levin Blair Levin Telecoms lawyer, equity policy analyst, and non-resident fellow at the Metropolitan Policy Project of the Brookings Institution.

Volume 47, Issue 01 Features

EDITORIAL 30.04.2019 Marc Beishon
DIGITAL CHANGE 30.04.2019 Cristina Murroni
REGULATORY DIRECTIONS 30.04.2019 Peter Alexiadis
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