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By Cristina Murroni

Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). The TMF opened with an exploration of digital transformation in the region and a keynote from Mohd Ali Mohamad Nor, secretary general, Malaysia Ministry of Communications and Multimedia. He emphasised the need to develop a culture of innovation and encourage ICT entrepreneurship, start-up creation and scaling – as designing a legal and regulatory framework for digital transformation will not be enough. The borderless nature of the internet, he added, means that some degrees of alignment within the region is required to accelerate the digital transformation: a difficult but necessary step. Ideally, there should be an equal degree of self-regulation and enforcement for the digital economy to thrive, and as the power of the internet is placed into the hands of consumers, we must provide them with the security that governments have the means to act if something untoward was to happen.

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Kuala Lumpur was the location for the IIC’s 2019 Asia Telecommunications and Media Form (TMF).

Intermedia Issue:
Volume 47, Issue 01
Issue Date:
April 2019
Asia Pacific
Cristina Murroni Cristina Murroni Telecoms and Media Analyst

Volume 47, Issue 01 Features

EDITORIAL 30.04.2019 Marc Beishon
BANDWIDTH IN ABUNDANCE 30.04.2019 Blair Levin
REGULATORY DIRECTIONS 30.04.2019 Peter Alexiadis
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