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By Terry Flew

These are tough times for digital platforms. The revelations in March 2018 that the political consultancy firm Cambridge Analytica managed to access the personal data of as many as 87 million Facebook users on the basis of an online quiz, and that this data was on-sold to third parties including Donald Trump’s 2016 US presidential election campaign, threw into sharp relief questions of trust in digital platforms. The Cambridge Analytica data breaches, carried by the Guardian based on the revelations of whistleblower Christopher Wylie, was the latest of many issues to arise for companies such as Facebook, Google, Twitter and other major social media companies over the past three years. For Facebook in particular, it marked the 15th occasion in the company’s history where its practices with regards to personal data have come into question, an issue strongly raised in Mark Zuckerberg’s two-day testimony in April before the US Congress.


The major digital platforms face a crisis in trust from authorities and the public. TERRY FLEW takes a tour around the options for granting them probation

Intermedia Issue:
Volume 46, Issue 02
Issue Date:
July 2018
Privacy, Safety, Security
Terry Flew (Prof) Terry Flew (Prof) Professor of Digital Communication and Culture, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney

Volume 46, Issue 02 Features

EDITORIAL 13.07.2018 Marc Beishon
SMART POLICY 13.07.2018 Cristina Murroni
LATIN LESSONS 13.07.2018 Cristina Murroni
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