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Opening and linking data

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By Ewan Sutherland

In the not so distant past reports, newsletters and statistics for media and telecommunications were published on paper - indeed the IIC once maintained a library of such documents. Access to databases was quite expensive, with a requirement to purchase a subscription. Then material moved online, though typically in PDF formats, sometimes locked to limit re-use. Gradually, this model seems to be changing as governments adopt an open data or open government data (OGD) approach. There is a parallel and complex debate in the academic world about moving journals from behind pay-walls to open access.

Intermedia Issue:
Vol 41, Issue 2
Issue Date:
September 2013
Ewan Sutherland Ewan Sutherland Consultant; Research Fellow, LINK Centre, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa; Research Associate, CRIDS, University of Namur, Namur, Belgium

Vol 41, Issue 2 Features

The non-monolithic Internet 16.12.2019
Competing visions of next generation broadband: insights from Australia’s NBN 16.12.2019
Media and telecommunications after independence 31.05.2013 Ewan Sutherland
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