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We got there in the end: The European Commission makes a big point about ‘roam like at home’, the end of mobile roaming charges in the European Union on 15 June, a ban that has taken ten years to negotiate.
Even now, smaller networks, particularly in the Baltic and Nordic regions, as well as countries including Belgium, have applied for exemptions to avoid the new rates owing to an anticipated drop in earnings; industry group ETNO has estimated that scrapping roaming charges could cost European telecoms groups about €7bn in lost revenue by 2020.


We got there in the end: The European Commission makes a big point about ‘roam like at home’, the end of mobile roaming charges in the European Union on 15 June, a ban that has taken ten years to negotiate.

Intermedia Issue:
Vol 45, Issue 02
Issue Date:
July 2017

Vol 45, Issue 02 Features

PLAYING FAIR 14.07.2017 Javier Tejado Dondé
DIGITAL DOHA 14.07.2017 Cristina Murroni
PRINCIPLES FOR POLICYMAKERS 14.07.2017 Robert G Picard (Prof)
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