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By Fabrizio Cugia di Sant'orsola and Silvia Giampaolo

The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and
the need to access data to develop adequate
public health responses such as quarantine,
social distancing and tracking of virus
origination has fed a general debate on the need to regulate big data as a key social resource. Big data has already revealed its importance in relation to sustainable growth, urban transportation, environmental programmes and for health research however its use for COVID-19 purposes has renewed dialogue on topics such as privacy, security and consumer protection.

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FABRIZIO CUGIA DI SANT’ORSOLA and SILVIA GIAMPAOLO on the need for a holistic approach to data regulation in the ever-more connected global society

Intermedia Issue:
Vol 49 Issue 3
Issue Date:
September 2021
Fabrizio Cugia di Sant’Orsola Fabrizio Cugia di Sant’Orsola Partner, Cugia Cuomo & Associati, Rome, Italy Silvia Giampaolo Silvia Giampaolo Partner, Cugia Cuomo & Associati, Rome, Italy

Vol 49 Issue 3 Features

Chris Chapman, President IIC
PROGRESS AND PRINCIPLES 24.09.2021 Chris Chapman
IIC EVENTS: IIC/BEREC TMF 2021 24.09.2021 Russell Seekins
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