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Chris Chapman, President IICSerendipitously, action across the globe to address climate change is intersecting with responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. These twin and related crises demand and compel the kind of science-led innovation, creative problem-solving and global cooperation that today epitomises the TMT sector. Ten years out from 2030, and with 2050 only a generationaway, the contribution of the TMT sector to net zero, both directly and as an enabler, must be at the forefront of our collective endeavours. Pandemic-related social distancing measures, lockdowns and travel restrictions have accelerated digital transformation, provided new learnings and almost certainly led to enduring behavioural changes of all which, in turn, is prompting reconsideration of how and where people should live and work, as environmental implications are assessed. In this issue of InterMedia, the founding director of the Oxford Internet Institute, Professor William Dutton, provides a timely reminder of earlier research around virtual work and education; a report from Cisco and Freeform Dynamics captures lessons from the pandemic on workplace transformation; the report of IIC events on green growth and sustainability canvasses initiatives to reduce the impact of communications on the environment; and Sofia Mancilla (the winner of the IIC’s Future Leaders Competition 2020) explores whether it is possible to breach privacy when there is no human in the loop. The IIC AGM in September 2020 recorded the IIC’s busiest year ever with the move to online events resulting in a widened reach of policy professionals and regulators across the world, with whom we exhort you to engage. Chris Chapman, president, IIC

A note to readers from Chris Chapman, President, IIC

Intermedia Issue:
Vol 48 Issue 3
Issue Date:
October 2020
Chris Chapman Chris Chapman Former President, International Institute of Communications 2016-2024; Chairman, Nihilent Australia Pty Limited

Vol 48 Issue 3 Features

PRIVACY AND PANDEMIC 05.11.2020 Russell Seekins
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