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Aude Schoentgen (Dr)

Aude Schoentgen (Dr)

Director, Head of Office, Plum Consulting; Chair, IIC France Chapter

Aude Schoentgen is a Director at Plum, and she heads up Plum’s office in Paris.

Specialising in the telecommunications, media, and technology sectors, she has worked as an economist on international projects in the private sector, in the academic sphere and in the development funding sector.

Dr Schoentgen focuses on the practical application of economic theory to real-world issues. She develops analytical frameworks for operators, regulators, and governments, to inform their economic and regulatory decisions. Combining her skills in economics with her industry knowledge, Dr Schoentgen supports organisations in improving their policies and performance. She also supports governments and regulators in their understanding of their industries and the impacts of their regulation. Aude explores the future evolution of technologies, their impacts on economies and industries, and analyses the effects of technology on economies, society and environment. She is particularly interested in the economics of new digital technologies, as well as how companies and policy makers can contribute to improve digital inclusion and sustainability.

Her recent work focused on the economics behind today’s internet infrastructure, as well as the potential impact of telecoms policies on climate change. Aude worked on identifying technical, economic, and social opportunities potentially offered by 5G millimetre wave bands and studied the digital ecosystems of several developing countries. She worked on numerous studies including data protection harms, 5G licences and spectrum use, digital inclusion and online advertising issues.

Dr Schoentgen holds a PhD in Economics (Telecom ParisTech), a MPhil. in International Economic Relations (Sciences Po Paris) and a MSc. in Business Administration (Skema Business School).

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