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David Moepeng

David Moepeng

Cyber Psychologist, Cybersecurity Awareness Specialist & Trainer, Cybersmart Botswana

David Moepeng is a qualified Cyber psychologist working as a Cybersecurity Awareness Specialist and Trainer in Botswana. He founded and runs Cybersmart Botswana, a non-profit organisation in Botswana that promotes digital literacy through public education campaigns and training courses.
The organisation runs informational and educational campaigns to sensitise society about online safety and cybersecurity risks, as well as promote safe online behaviours. The campaigns feature media messages, news commentary, community outreach, peer education, school talks and stakeholder capacity building.

Mr Moepeng is a globally recognised speaker on cybersecurity awareness having been featured in international conferences in Europe, Africa and Botswana.  He is also the Lead Coordinator of the African Cybersmart Network, a community of organisations in Africa that promote cybersecurity awareness in the continent

Mr Moepeng obtained a Masters in Cyber psychology at Nottingham Trent University in the United Kingdom.

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