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Emma Drake

Emma Drake

Legal Director, Bird & Bird LLP

Emma Drake is a Legal Director at Bird & Bird who specialises in privacy and online safety. She works extensively with media, tech and sports clients, and advises on the handling of children’s data. She has had particular focus on compliance with the ICO’s Children’s Code, and the shift to wider safety duties under the UK’s Online Safety Act and EU’s Digital Services Act.

In the lead up to GDPR, Ms Drake led advice for a group of clients who successfully sought a specific lawful ground to process special category and criminal offence data for safeguarding purposes in UK law. This work will now underpin and ensure the lawfulness of many of the OSA’s child safety duties.

Bird & Bird has Europe-leading expertise on privacy and online safety, and has over 130 lawyers focussed on providing pragmatic data and digital advice across its offices in Europe and Asia. A number of its lawyers are former regulators, and provide vital insight on meeting the ever-increasing challenges of digital regulation.

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