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Martin Duckworth

Martin Duckworth

Associate Director, Frontier Economics

Martin Duckworth, an Associate Director in Frontier’s Telecommunications Practice, is a highly experienced regulatory and financial expert with extensive knowledge of competition and commercial issues. Mr Duckworth combines his vast technical and financial telecommunications policy experience with his outstanding analytical ability to deliver results that achieve clients’ strategic objectives. Mr Duckworth has worked since 1995 in the field of communications regulation, first as an employee of OFTEL and, since 1998, as a consultant based in Belgium, Spain and the UK. During this period Mr Duckworth has been at the forefront of regulatory developments in the United Kingdom, the EU and other liberalised markets around the world.

Mr Duckworth has extensive experience on mobile networks and spectrum working on bids in both the 2000 round of 3G spectrum auctions and 2010 round of 4G spectrum auctions. He has also advised on the regulatory clearance for number of mobile mergers in recent years. He also led Frontier’s work last year advising the UK’s National Infrastructure Commission on how to incentivise investment in 5G.

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