Read this quarter’s Intermedia here
This article reflects on the notion of media pluralism and the forms of its protection. It first offers a definition of pluralism
drawn from recent proposals developed in the field of media studies. It then turns to an analysis of pluralism regulation taking Italy as a case study, Italy being the subject of a ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) because it had disavowed the deterministic approach prevalent at the European level. The limitations of this approach are analysed with
reference to the digital ecosystem, describing how the role of online platforms with respect to information pluralism is more multifaceted than it appears in mainstream narratives. Lastly, this article offers proposals to reconcile the prevailing scholarly theories in the field with the approach that has emerged from the legislation in order to bring the asset protected by pluralism – information – back to the focus of attention.
ELISA GIOMI says that we need to move beyond economic determinism and bring the focus back on what matters – information
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