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Aamir Riaz

Aamir Riaz

Programme Officer Asia & the Pacific, International Telecommunications Union (ITU)

Aamir Riaz is a Programme officer in International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and is currently a part of its Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. Currently he is regional thematic lead on Digital Network Infrastructure and Emergency Telecom areas and geographically serves as the focal point for ITU membership from North-East Asia.

Mr Riaz has been working on development of ICTs in the region through country specific actions, sub-regional and regional activities across the region. He has implemented several initiatives and programmes in partnership and collaboration with international/regional organizations like ADB, APT, PITA etc.; Administrations including, Korea, Australia, China, Japan etc. and industry including Kacific, Forum Global, Telenor, Huawei etc.

His recent work has been in the areas of ICT market regulations, policies and wireless innovation strategies with emphasis on issues related to RF Spectrum.

Prior to joining ITU in 2013, Mr Riaz had been working in CRC Qatar from 2010 to 2013 as National Spectrum Manager where he implemented several management and planning initiatives. From 2007 until 2010 he performed his duties as Assistant Director in Strategy and Development department of the Pakistan Telecomm Authority.

Mr Riaz is an Electrical Engineer from National University of Science and Technology (NUST) Pakistan and possesses advanced degree in Radio-communication from École Supérieure d’Électricité (SUPÉLEC) France.

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