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Melissa Tithymirda Nikman

Melissa Tithymirda Nikman

Senior Manager, Market Access and Competition, Authority for Info-communications Technology Industry of Brunei Darussalam (AITI)

Graduated from the Universiti of Brunei Darussalam (UBD) in 2008 with Bachelor Degree Major in Public Policy and Administration and Minor in Financial Accounting. She started joining the Authority for Info-communications Industry of Brunei Darussalam (AITI) in May 2009 with a managerial post looking after tariff, access and interconnection matters as well as consumer complaints handling.

In December 2020, promoted as the Senior Manager of Market Access and Competition under the umbrella of the Market Regulation Group to look after 3 units mainly Licensing, Price Regulation and Competition; and of which Melissa has led each individual unit in her early years in AITI.

Throughout 14 years of service as the telecommunications regulator in Brunei Darussalam, Melissa have gained vast experiences and knowledge in her involvement of many regulatory projects such as:
▪ Direction on Creating a Level Playing Field for the Mobile Market for the implementation of Sender Keeps All (SKA) interconnection regime, removal of incoming call charges and equalization of on-net off net charges by all telecom service providers;
▪ Transformation of the telecommunications sector, where network infrastructure of all telecommunications were consolidated into one single provider.
▪ Market review to ensure continued relevance of regulatory measures in light of the changes in the market structure which took place in 2019/2020;
▪ Drafting and implementation of regulatory instruments in relation to competition and tariff; and
▪ Bilateral arrangement for the reduction of international mobile roaming charges between Brunei Darussalam and Singapore.

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