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Rajesh Sreenivasan is a Partner and Head of the Technology, Media & Telecommunications Law Practice at Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP and the Coordinating Partner for the firms’ multidisciplinary and cross-practice Data and Digital Economy (DDE) Legal Services. He is a Director and Co-founder of Rajah & Tann Technologies Pte Ltd and Rajah & Tann Cybersecurity Pte Ltd which are the Legaltech arms of Rajah & Tann Asia. With over 20 years in practice, he has been universally recognised as the leading technology, media and telecoms lawyer in Singapore by all major professional ranking agencies and noted as one of the top TMT lawyers the Asia Pacific region. Mr Sreenivasan has been at the forefront of legal, regulatory and policy matters relating to technology procurement, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, data protection, analytics and governance, telecommunications, electronic commerce, cloud computing, distributed ledger technologies, digital forensics and digital media in the region. He has since built a team of over 50 lawyers with significant depth.
Mr Sreenivasan is the only Singapore lawyer serving on the Legal Advisory Group to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) UK Centre for Digital Trade and Innovation. As an appointed member of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) OECD project, he contributes actively to the multinational initiative by providing a representative deep dive into Singapore’s legislations on Artificial Intelligence and brainstorming on innovative best practices in complying with global regulatory guidelines.
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