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Tony Verghese

Tony Verghese

J. Sagar Associates (JSA)

Tony Verghese’s practice largely focuses on corporate matters in various industrial sectors with a specialized focus on companies in the telecommunication and technology sectors. He handles complex regulatory assignments (advisory & licensing) in the telecom & satellite communications sectors, merger & acquisitions, commercial contractual reviews, due diligence exercises, foreign investment related matters, real estate, employment law matters and multifaceted commercial negotiations on behalf of various clients. His practice areas include advising clients on setting up business in India, day-to-day business operations, corporate compliance, licensing and regulatory matters. In addition, Tony regularly advises on all types of commercial and corporate contracts.

His experience over more than two decades in the Telecom and Information Technology (IT) sector involves providing regulatory advice, on setting up highly regulated businesses in India involving licensing, contracting, technology licensing agreements, advice on setting up STPI’s (Software Technology Parks of India) and SEZ’s (Special Economic Zone) and general legal issues involving Telecom and IT companies.

Tony also advises overseas companies in setting up business operations in India and assists them in setting up subsidiaries / branches / liaison office, real estate acquisitions by way of lease or leave and license our purchase, obtaining various statutory registrations and conducting corporate compliance and legal audits.

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